本文共 35548 字,大约阅读时间需要 118 分钟。
libs--index.js--html-parser.js index.html
1 import HTMLParser from './html-parser.js' 2 3 function arrToObj(arr) { 4 let map = {}; 5 for(let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { 6 map[arr[i].name] = arr[i].value 7 } 8 return map; 9 } 10 11 function htmlParser(html) { 12 13 //存储所有节点 14 let nodes = []; 15 16 //记录当前节点位置,方便定位parent节点 17 let stack = []; 18 19 HTMLParser(html, { 20 /* 21 unary: 是不是自闭和标签比如 input 22 attrs为属性的数组 23 */ 24 start: function( tag, attrs, unary ) { //标签开始 25 /* 26 stack记录的父节点,如果节点长度大于1,一定具有父节点 27 */ 28 let parent = stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : null; 29 30 //最终形成的node对象 31 let node = { 32 //1标签, 2需要解析的表达式, 3 纯文本 33 type: 1, 34 tag: tag, 35 attrs: arrToObj(attrs), 36 parent: parent, 37 //关键属性 38 children: [] 39 }; 40 41 //如果存在父节点,也标志下这个属于其子节点 42 if(parent) { 43 parent.children.push(node); 44 } 45 //还需要处理 这种非闭合标签 46 //... 47 48 //进入节点堆栈,当遇到弹出标签时候弹出 49 stack.push(node) 50 nodes.push(node); 51 52 // debugger; 53 }, 54 end: function( tag ) { //标签结束 55 //弹出当前子节点,根节点一定是最后弹出去的,兄弟节点之间会按顺序弹出,其父节点在最后一个子节点弹出后会被弹出 56 stack.pop(); 57 58 // debugger; 59 }, 60 chars: function( text ) { //文本 61 //如果是空格之类的不予处理 62 if(text.trim() === '') return; 63 text = text.trim(); 64 65 //匹配 {{}} 拿出表达式 66 let reg = /\{\{(.*)\}\}/; 67 let node = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; 68 //如果这里是表达式{{}}需要特殊处理 69 if(!node) return; 70 71 if(reg.test(text)) { 72 node.children.push({ 73 type: 2, 74 expression: RegExp.$1, 75 text: text 76 }); 77 } else { 78 node.children.push({ 79 type: 3, 80 text: text 81 }); 82 } 83 // debugger; 84 } 85 }); 86 87 return nodes; 88 89 } 90 91 export default class MVVM { 92 /* 93 暂时要求必须传入data以及el,其他事件什么的不管 94 95 */ 96 constructor(opts) { 97 98 //要求必须存在,这里不做参数校验了 99 this.$el = typeof opts.el === 'string' ? document.getElementById(opts.el) : opts.el;100 101 //data必须存在,其他不做要求102 this.$data = opts.data;103 104 //模板必须存在105 this.$template = opts.template;106 107 //存放解析结束的虚拟dom108 this.$nodes = [];109 110 //将模板解析后,转换为一个函数111 this.$initRender();112 113 //渲染之114 this.$render();115 debugger;116 }117 118 $initRender() {119 let template = this.$template;120 let nodes = htmlParser(template);121 this.$nodes = nodes;122 }123 124 //解析模板生成的函数,将最总html结构渲染出来125 $render() {126 127 let data = this.$data;128 let root = this.$nodes[0];129 let parent = this._createEl(root);130 //简单遍历即可131 132 this._render(parent, root.children);133 134 this.$el.appendChild(parent);135 }136 137 _createEl(node) {138 let data = this.$data;139 140 let el = document.createElement(node.tag || 'span');141 142 for (let key in node.attrs) {143 el.setAttribute(key, node.attrs[key])144 }145 146 if(node.type === 2) {147 el.innerText = data[node.expression];148 } else if(node.type === 3) {149 el.innerText = node.text;150 }151 152 return el;153 }154 _render(parent, children) {155 let child = null;156 for(let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {157 child = this._createEl(children[i]);158 parent.append(child);159 if(children[i].children) this._render(child, children[i].children);160 }161 }162 163 164 }
1 /* 2 * Modified at https://github.com/blowsie/Pure-JavaScript-HTML5-Parser 3 */ 4 5 // Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes 6 let startTag = /^<([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)((?:\s+[a-zA-Z_:@][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/, 7 endTag = /^<\/([-A-Za-z0-9_]+)[^>]*>/, 8 attr = /([a-zA-Z_:@][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*)(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"((?:\\.|[^"])*)")|(?:'((?:\\.|[^'])*)')|([^>\s]+)))?/g 9 10 // Empty Elements - HTML 5 11 let empty = makeMap("area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,embed,command,keygen,source,track,wbr") 12 13 // Block Elements - HTML 5 14 let block = makeMap("a,address,article,applet,aside,audio,blockquote,button,canvas,center,dd,del,dir,div,dl,dt,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,frameset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,iframe,ins,isindex,li,map,menu,noframes,noscript,object,ol,output,p,pre,section,script,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,ul,video") 15 16 // Inline Elements - HTML 5 17 let inline = makeMap("abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,script,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var") 18 19 // Elements that you can, intentionally, leave open 20 // (and which close themselves) 21 let closeSelf = makeMap("colgroup,dd,dt,li,options,p,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr") 22 23 // Attributes that have their values filled in disabled="disabled" 24 let fillAttrs = makeMap("checked,compact,declare,defer,disabled,ismap,multiple,nohref,noresize,noshade,nowrap,readonly,selected") 25 26 // Special Elements (can contain anything) 27 let special = makeMap("script,style") 28 29 function makeMap(str) { 30 var obj = {}, items = str.split(","); 31 for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) 32 obj[items[i]] = true; 33 return obj; 34 } 35 36 export default function HTMLParser(html, handler) { 37 var index, chars, match, stack = [], last = html; 38 stack.last = function () { 39 return this[this.length - 1]; 40 }; 41 42 while (html) { 43 chars = true; 44 45 // Make sure we're not in a script or style element 46 if (!stack.last() || !special[stack.last()]) { 47 48 // Comment 49 if (html.indexOf(" "); 51 52 if (index >= 0) { 53 if (handler.comment) 54 handler.comment(html.substring(4, index)); 55 html = html.substring(index + 3); 56 chars = false; 57 } 58 59 // end tag 60 } else if (html.indexOf(" ]*>"), function (all, text) { 92 text = text.replace(/ | /g, "$1$2"); 93 if (handler.chars) 94 handler.chars(text); 95 96 return ""; 97 }); 98 99 parseEndTag("", stack.last());100 }101 102 if (html == last)103 throw "Parse Error: " + html;104 last = html;105 }106 107 // Clean up any remaining tags108 parseEndTag();109 110 function parseStartTag(tag, tagName, rest, unary) {111 tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();112 113 if (block[tagName]) {114 while (stack.last() && inline[stack.last()]) {115 parseEndTag("", stack.last());116 }117 }118 119 if (closeSelf[tagName] && stack.last() == tagName) {120 parseEndTag("", tagName);121 }122 123 unary = empty[tagName] || !!unary;124 125 if (!unary)126 stack.push(tagName);127 128 if (handler.start) {129 var attrs = [];130 131 rest.replace(attr, function (match, name) {132 var value = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] :133 arguments[3] ? arguments[3] :134 arguments[4] ? arguments[4] :135 fillAttrs[name] ? name : "";136 137 attrs.push({138 name: name,139 value: value,140 escaped: value.replace(/(^|[^\\])"/g, '$1\\\"') //"141 });142 });143 144 if (handler.start)145 handler.start(tagName, attrs, unary);146 }147 }148 149 function parseEndTag(tag, tagName) {150 // If no tag name is provided, clean shop151 if (!tagName)152 var pos = 0;153 154 // Find the closest opened tag of the same type155 else156 for (var pos = stack.length - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)157 if (stack[pos] == tagName)158 break;159 160 if (pos >= 0) {161 // Close all the open elements, up the stack162 for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= pos; i--)163 if (handler.end)164 handler.end(stack[i]);165 166 // Remove the open elements from the stack167 stack.length = pos;168 }169 }170 };
1 2 3 4起步 5 6 7 89 1011 12 34 35
//render函数function anonymous() {with(this){return _h('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},["\n "+_s(message)+"\n"])}}
1 import HTMLParser from './html-parser.js' 2 3 4 //工具函数 begin 5 6 function isFunction(obj) { 7 return typeof obj === 'function' 8 } 9 10 11 function makeAttrsMap(attrs, delimiters) { 12 const map = {} 13 for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { 14 map[attrs[i].name] = attrs[i].value; 15 } 16 return map; 17 } 18 19 20 21 //dom操作 22 function query(el) { 23 if (typeof el === 'string') { 24 const selector = el 25 el = document.querySelector(el) 26 if (!el) { 27 return document.createElement('div') 28 } 29 } 30 return el 31 } 32 33 function cached(fn) { 34 const cache = Object.create(null) 35 return function cachedFn(str) { 36 const hit = cache[str] 37 return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)) 38 } 39 } 40 41 let idToTemplate = cached(function (id) { 42 var el = query(id) 43 return el && el.innerHTML; 44 }) 45 46 47 48 //工具函数 end 49 50 //模板解析函数 begin 51 52 const defaultTagRE = /\{\{((?:.|\n)+?)\}\}/g 53 const regexEscapeRE = /[-.*+?^${}()|[\]/\\]/g 54 55 const buildRegex = cached(delimiters => { 56 const open = delimiters[0].replace(regexEscapeRE, '\\$&') 57 const close = delimiters[1].replace(regexEscapeRE, '\\$&') 58 return new RegExp(open + '((?:.|\\n)+?)' + close, 'g') 59 }) 60 61 62 function TextParser(text, delimiters) { 63 const tagRE = delimiters ? buildRegex(delimiters) : defaultTagRE 64 if (!tagRE.test(text)) { 65 return 66 } 67 const tokens = [] 68 let lastIndex = tagRE.lastIndex = 0 69 let match, index 70 while ((match = tagRE.exec(text))) { 71 index = match.index 72 // push text token 73 if (index > lastIndex) { 74 tokens.push(JSON.stringify(text.slice(lastIndex, index))) 75 } 76 // tag token 77 const exp = match[1].trim() 78 tokens.push(`_s(${exp})`) 79 lastIndex = index + match[0].length 80 } 81 if (lastIndex < text.length) { 82 tokens.push(JSON.stringify(text.slice(lastIndex))) 83 } 84 return tokens.join('+') 85 } 86 87 //******核心中的核心 88 function compileToFunctions(template, vm) { 89 let root; 90 let currentParent; 91 let options = vm.$options; 92 let stack = []; 93 94 //这段代码昨天做过解释,这里属性参数比昨天多一些 95 HTMLParser(template, { 96 start: function(tag, attrs, unary) { 97 98 let element = { 99 vm: vm,100 //1 标签 2 文本表达式 3 文本101 type: 1,102 tag,103 //数组104 attrsList: attrs,105 attrsMap: makeAttrsMap(attrs), //将属性数组转换为对象106 parent: currentParent,107 children: []108 };109 110 if(!root) {111 vm.$vnode = root = element;112 }113 114 if(currentParent && !element.forbidden) {115 currentParent.children.push(element);116 element.parent = currentParent;117 }118 119 if(!unary) {120 currentParent = element;121 stack.push(element);122 }123 124 },125 end: function (tag) {126 //获取当前元素127 let element = stack[stack.length - 1];128 let lastNode = element.children[element.children.length - 1];129 //删除最后一个空白节点,暂时感觉没撒用呢130 if(lastNode && lastNode.type === 3 && lastNode.text.trim === '') {131 element.children.pop();132 }133 134 //据说比调用pop节约性能相当于stack.pop()135 stack.length -= 1;136 currentParent = stack[stack.length - 1];137 138 },139 //处理真实的节点140 chars: function(text) {141 if (!text.trim()) {142 //text = ' '143 return;144 }145 //解析文本节点 exp: a{{b}}c => 'a'+_s(a)+'b'146 let expression = TextParser(text, options.delimiters)147 if (expression) {148 currentParent.children.push({149 type: 2,150 expression,151 text152 })153 } else {154 currentParent && currentParent.children.push({155 type: 3,156 text157 })158 }159 }160 161 });162 163 return root;164 165 }166 167 168 //模板解析函数 end169 170 //因为我们后面采用setData的方式通知更新,不做响应式更新,这里也先不考虑update,不考虑监控,先关注首次渲染171 //要做到更新数据,DOM跟着更新,事实上就是所有的data数据被监控(劫持)起来了,一旦更新都会调用对应的回调,我们这里做到更新再说172 function initData(vm, data) {173 if (isFunction(data)) {174 data = data()175 }176 vm.$data = data;177 }178 179 //全局数据保证每个MVVM实例拥有唯一id180 let uid = 0;181 182 export default class MVVM {183 constructor(options) {184 this.$options = options;185 186 //我们可以在传入参数的地方设置标签替换方式,比如可以设置为['<%=', '%>'],注意这里是数组187 this.$options.delimiters = this.$options.delimiters || ["{{", "}}"];188 189 //唯一标志190 this._uid = uid++;191 192 if(options.data) {193 //194 initData(this, options.data);195 }196 197 this.$mount(options.el);198 199 }200 201 //解析模板compileToFunctions,将之形成一个函数202 //很多网上的解释是将实例挂载到dom上,这里有些没明白,我们后面点再看看203 $mount(el) {204 let options = this.$options;205 206 el = el && query(el);207 this.$el = el;208 209 //如果用户自定义了render函数则不需要解析template210 //这里所谓的用户自定义,应该是用户生成了框架生成那坨代码,事实上还是将template转换为vnode211 if(!options.render) {212 let template = options.template;213 if(template) {214 if(typeof template === 'string') {215 //获取script的template模板216 if (template[0] === '#') {217 template = idToTemplate(template)218 }219 } else if (template.nodeType) {220 //如果template是个dom结构,只能有一个根节点221 template = template.innerHTML;222 }223 }224 225 //上面的代码什么都没做,只是确保正确的拿到了template数据,考虑了各种情况226 //下面这段是关键,也是我们昨天干的事情227 if(template) {228 //***核心函数***/229 let render = compileToFunctions(template, this);230 options.render = render;231 }232 233 234 }235 236 237 238 }239 240 241 }242 243 //过去的代码244 function arrToObj(arr) {245 let map = {};246 for(let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {247 map[arr[i].name] = arr[i].value248 }249 return map;250 }251 252 function htmlParser(html) {253 254 //存储所有节点255 let nodes = [];256 257 //记录当前节点位置,方便定位parent节点258 let stack = [];259 260 HTMLParser(html, {261 /*262 unary: 是不是自闭和标签比如 input263 attrs为属性的数组264 */265 start: function( tag, attrs, unary ) { //标签开始266 /*267 stack记录的父节点,如果节点长度大于1,一定具有父节点268 */269 let parent = stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : null;270 271 //最终形成的node对象272 let node = {273 //1标签, 2需要解析的表达式, 3 纯文本274 type: 1,275 tag: tag,276 attrs: arrToObj(attrs),277 parent: parent,278 //关键属性279 children: []280 };281 282 //如果存在父节点,也标志下这个属于其子节点283 if(parent) {284 parent.children.push(node);285 }286 //还需要处理 这种非闭合标签287 //...288 289 //进入节点堆栈,当遇到弹出标签时候弹出290 stack.push(node)291 nodes.push(node);292 293 // debugger;294 },295 end: function( tag ) { //标签结束296 //弹出当前子节点,根节点一定是最后弹出去的,兄弟节点之间会按顺序弹出,其父节点在最后一个子节点弹出后会被弹出297 stack.pop();298 299 // debugger;300 },301 chars: function( text ) { //文本302 //如果是空格之类的不予处理303 if(text.trim() === '') return;304 text = text.trim();305 306 //匹配 {{}} 拿出表达式307 let reg = /\{\{(.*)\}\}/;308 let node = nodes[nodes.length - 1];309 //如果这里是表达式{{}}需要特殊处理310 if(!node) return;311 312 if(reg.test(text)) {313 node.children.push({314 type: 2,315 expression: RegExp.$1,316 text: text317 });318 } else {319 node.children.push({320 type: 3,321 text: text322 });323 }324 // debugger;325 }326 });327 328 return nodes;329 330 }331 332 class MVVM1 {333 /*334 暂时要求必须传入data以及el,其他事件什么的不管335 336 */337 constructor(opts) {338 339 //要求必须存在,这里不做参数校验了340 this.$el = typeof opts.el === 'string' ? document.getElementById(opts.el) : opts.el;341 342 //data必须存在,其他不做要求343 this.$data = opts.data;344 345 //模板必须存在346 this.$template = opts.template;347 348 //存放解析结束的虚拟dom349 this.$nodes = [];350 351 //将模板解析后,转换为一个函数352 this.$initRender();353 354 //渲染之355 this.$render();356 debugger;357 }358 359 $initRender() {360 let template = this.$template;361 let nodes = htmlParser(template);362 this.$nodes = nodes;363 }364 365 //解析模板生成的函数,将最总html结构渲染出来366 $render() {367 368 let data = this.$data;369 let root = this.$nodes[0];370 let parent = this._createEl(root);371 //简单遍历即可372 373 this._render(parent, root.children);374 375 this.$el.appendChild(parent);376 }377 378 _createEl(node) {379 let data = this.$data;380 381 let el = document.createElement(node.tag || 'span');382 383 for (let key in node.attrs) {384 el.setAttribute(key, node.attrs[key])385 }386 387 if(node.type === 2) {388 el.innerText = data[node.expression];389 } else if(node.type === 3) {390 el.innerText = node.text;391 }392 393 return el;394 }395 _render(parent, children) {396 let child = null;397 for(let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {398 child = this._createEl(children[i]);399 parent.append(child);400 if(children[i].children) this._render(child, children[i].children);401 }402 }403 404 405 }
这里仅仅是到输出vnode这步,接下来是将vnode转换为函数render,在写这段代码之前我们来说一说Vue中的render参数,事实上,我们new Vue的时候可以直接传递render参数:
1 new Vue({ 2 render: function () { 3 return this._h('div', { 4 attrs:{ 5 a: 'aaa' 6 } 7 }, [ 8 this._h('div') 9 ])10 }11 })
1 new Vue({2 template: 'Hello World!'3 })
真实代码过程中的过程,以及我们上面代码的过程是,template 字符串 => 虚拟DOM对象 ast => 根据ast生成render函数......,这里又涉及到了另一个需要引用的工具库snabbdom
,Vue2.0底层借鉴了snabdom,我们这里先重点介绍他的h函数,h(help帮助创建vnode)函数可以让我们轻松创建vnode,这里再对Virtual DOM做一个说明,这段话是我看到觉得很好的解释的话():
1 var element = { 2 tagName: 'ul', // 节点标签名 3 props: { // DOM的属性,用一个对象存储键值对 4 id: 'list' 5 }, 6 children: [ // 该节点的子节点 7 {tagName: 'li', props: {class: 'item'}, children: ["Item 1"]}, 8 {tagName: 'li', props: {class: 'item'}, children: ["Item 2"]}, 9 {tagName: 'li', props: {class: 'item'}, children: ["Item 3"]},10 ]11 }
同样的,我们一段HTML代码其实属性、参数是很有限的,也十分轻易的能转换成一个js对象,我们如果使用dom操作改变了我们的html结构,事实上会形成一个新的js对象,这个时候我们将渲染后形成的js对象和渲染前形成的js对象进行对比,便可以清晰知道这次变化的差异部分,然后拿着差异部分的js对象(每个js对象都会映射到一个真实的dom对象)做更新即可,关于Virtual DOM文章作者对此做了一个总结:
① 用js对象表示DOM树结构,然后用这个js对象树结构生成一个真正的DOM树(document.create***操作),插入文档中(这个时候会形成render tree,看得到了)
② 当状态变化时(数据变化时),重新构造一颗新的对象树,和之前的作对比,记录差异部分
③ 将差异部分的数据更新到视图上,更新结束
1 class Element {2 constructor(tagName, props, children) {3 this.tagName = tagName;4 this.props = props;5 this.children = children;6 }7 }
1 new Element('ul', {id: 'list'}, [2 new Element('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 1']),3 new Element('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 2']),4 new Element('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 3'])5 ])
1 class Element { 2 constructor(tagName, props, children) { 3 this.tagName = tagName; 4 this.props = props; 5 this.children = children; 6 } 7 } 8 9 function el(tagName, props, children) {10 return new Element(tagName, props, children)11 }12 13 el('ul', {id: 'list'}, [14 el('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 1']),15 el('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 2']),16 el('li', {class: 'item'}, ['Item 3'])17 ])
1 2 3 4起步 5 6 7 8 59 60 61
1 new Vue({ 2 render: function () { 3 return this._h('div', { 4 attrs:{ 5 a: 'aaa' 6 } 7 }, [ 8 this._h('div') 9 ])10 }11 })
1 //没有指令时运行,或者指令解析完毕 2 function nodir(el) { 3 let code 4 //设置属性 等值 5 const data = genData(el); 6 //转换子节点 7 const children = genChildren(el, true); 8 code = `_h('${el.tag}'${ 9 data ? `,${data}` : '' // data10 }${11 children ? `,${children}` : '' // children12 })`13 return code14 }
_h('div',{},[_h('div',{},["\n "+_s(name)]),_h('input',{}),_h('br',{})])
123 {{name}}4 {{age+1}}5 6 7
_h('div',{},[_h('div',{},["\n "+_s(name)]),_h('span',{},[_s(age+1)]),_h('input',{}),_h('br',{})])
1 2 3 4起步 5 6 7 89 1011 12 36 37
1 import HTMLParser from './html-parser.js' 2 3 4 //工具函数 begin 5 6 function isFunction(obj) { 7 return typeof obj === 'function' 8 } 9 10 11 function makeAttrsMap(attrs, delimiters) { 12 const map = {} 13 for (let i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) { 14 map[attrs[i].name] = attrs[i].value; 15 } 16 return map; 17 } 18 19 20 21 //dom操作 22 function query(el) { 23 if (typeof el === 'string') { 24 const selector = el 25 el = document.querySelector(el) 26 if (!el) { 27 return document.createElement('div') 28 } 29 } 30 return el 31 } 32 33 function cached(fn) { 34 const cache = Object.create(null) 35 return function cachedFn(str) { 36 const hit = cache[str] 37 return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)) 38 } 39 } 40 41 let idToTemplate = cached(function (id) { 42 var el = query(id) 43 return el && el.innerHTML; 44 }) 45 46 47 48 //工具函数 end 49 50 //模板解析函数 begin 51 52 const defaultTagRE = /\{\{((?:.|\n)+?)\}\}/g 53 const regexEscapeRE = /[-.*+?^${}()|[\]/\\]/g 54 55 const buildRegex = cached(delimiters => { 56 const open = delimiters[0].replace(regexEscapeRE, '\\$&') 57 const close = delimiters[1].replace(regexEscapeRE, '\\$&') 58 return new RegExp(open + '((?:.|\\n)+?)' + close, 'g') 59 }) 60 61 62 function TextParser(text, delimiters) { 63 const tagRE = delimiters ? buildRegex(delimiters) : defaultTagRE 64 if (!tagRE.test(text)) { 65 return 66 } 67 const tokens = [] 68 let lastIndex = tagRE.lastIndex = 0 69 let match, index 70 while ((match = tagRE.exec(text))) { 71 index = match.index 72 // push text token 73 if (index > lastIndex) { 74 tokens.push(JSON.stringify(text.slice(lastIndex, index))) 75 } 76 // tag token 77 const exp = match[1].trim() 78 tokens.push(`_s(${exp})`) 79 lastIndex = index + match[0].length 80 } 81 if (lastIndex < text.length) { 82 tokens.push(JSON.stringify(text.slice(lastIndex))) 83 } 84 return tokens.join('+') 85 } 86 87 function makeFunction(code) { 88 try { 89 return new Function(code) 90 } catch (e) { 91 return function (){}; 92 } 93 } 94 95 //***虚拟dom部分代码,后续会换成snabdom 96 class Element { 97 constructor(tagName, props, children) { 98 this.tagName = tagName; 99 this.props = props;100 this.children = children || [];101 }102 render() {103 //拿着根节点往下面撸104 let el = document.createElement(this.tagName);105 let props = this.props;106 107 for(let name in props) {108 el.setAttribute(name, props[name]);109 }110 111 let children = this.children;112 113 for(let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) {114 let child = children[i];115 let childEl;116 if(child instanceof Element) {117 //递归调用118 childEl = child.render();119 } else {120 childEl = document.createTextNode(child);121 }122 el.append(childEl);123 }124 return el;125 }126 }127 128 function el(tagName, props, children) {129 return new Element(tagName, props, children)130 }131 132 //***核心中的核心,将vnode转换为函数133 134 const simplePathRE = /^\s*[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*(?:\.[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*|\['.*?']|\[".*?"]|\[\d+]|\[[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*])*\s*$/135 const modifierCode = {136 stop: '$event.stopPropagation();',137 prevent: '$event.preventDefault();',138 self: 'if($event.target !== $event.currentTarget)return;',139 ctrl: 'if(!$event.ctrlKey)return;',140 shift: 'if(!$event.shiftKey)return;',141 alt: 'if(!$event.altKey)return;',142 meta: 'if(!$event.metaKey)return;'143 }144 145 const keyCodes = {146 esc: 27,147 tab: 9,148 enter: 13,149 space: 32,150 up: 38,151 left: 37,152 right: 39,153 down: 40,154 'delete': [8, 46]155 }156 157 158 function codeGen(ast) {159 //解析成h render字符串形式160 const code = ast ? genElement(ast) : '_h("div")'161 //把render函数,包起来,使其在当前作用域内162 return makeFunction(`with(this){ debugger; return ${code}}`)163 }164 165 function genElement(el) {166 //无指令167 return nodir(el)168 }169 170 //没有指令时运行,或者指令解析完毕171 function nodir(el) {172 let code173 //设置属性 等值174 const data = genData(el);175 //转换子节点176 const children = genChildren(el, true);177 code = `_h('${el.tag}'${178 data ? `,${data}` : '' // data179 }${180 children ? `,${children}` : '' // children181 })`182 return code183 }184 185 function genChildren(el, checkSkip) {186 const children = el.children187 if (children.length) {188 const el = children[0]189 // 如果是v-for190 //if (children.length === 1 && el.for) {191 // return genElement(el)192 //}193 const normalizationType = 0194 return `[${children.map(genNode).join(',')}]${195 checkSkip196 ? normalizationType ? `,${normalizationType}` : ''197 : ''198 }`199 }200 }201 202 function genNode(node) {203 if (node.type === 1) {204 return genElement(node)205 } else {206 return genText(node)207 }208 }209 210 function genText(text) {211 return text.type === 2 ? text.expression : JSON.stringify(text.text)212 }213 214 function genData(el) {215 let data = '{'216 // attributes217 if (el.style) {218 data += 'style:' + genProps(el.style) + ','219 }220 if (Object.keys(el.attrs).length) {221 data += 'attrs:' + genProps(el.attrs) + ','222 }223 if (Object.keys(el.props).length) {224 data += 'props:' + genProps(el.props) + ','225 }226 if (Object.keys(el.events).length) {227 data += 'on:' + genProps(el.events) + ','228 }229 if (Object.keys(el.hook).length) {230 data += 'hook:' + genProps(el.hook) + ','231 }232 data = data.replace(/,$/, '') + '}'233 return data234 }235 236 function genProps(props) {237 let res = '{';238 for (let key in props) {239 res += `"${key}":${props[key]},`240 }241 return res.slice(0, -1) + '}'242 }243 244 //******核心中的核心245 function compileToFunctions(template, vm) {246 let root;247 let currentParent;248 let options = vm.$options;249 let stack = [];250 251 //这段代码昨天做过解释,这里属性参数比昨天多一些252 HTMLParser(template, {253 start: function(tag, attrs, unary) {254 255 let element = {256 vm: vm,257 //1 标签 2 文本表达式 3 文本258 type: 1,259 tag,260 //数组261 attrsList: attrs,262 attrsMap: makeAttrsMap(attrs), //将属性数组转换为对象263 parent: currentParent,264 children: [],265 266 //下面这些属性先不予关注,因为底层函数没有做校验,不传要报错267 events: {},268 style: null,269 hook: {},270 props: {},//DOM属性271 attrs: {}//值为true,false则移除该属性272 273 };274 275 if(!root) {276 vm.$vnode = root = element;277 }278 279 if(currentParent && !element.forbidden) {280 currentParent.children.push(element);281 element.parent = currentParent;282 }283 284 if(!unary) {285 currentParent = element;286 stack.push(element);287 }288 289 },290 end: function (tag) {291 //获取当前元素292 let element = stack[stack.length - 1];293 let lastNode = element.children[element.children.length - 1];294 //删除最后一个空白节点,暂时感觉没撒用呢295 if(lastNode && lastNode.type === 3 && lastNode.text.trim === '') {296 element.children.pop();297 }298 299 //据说比调用pop节约性能相当于stack.pop()300 stack.length -= 1;301 currentParent = stack[stack.length - 1];302 303 },304 //处理真实的节点305 chars: function(text) {306 if (!text.trim()) {307 //text = ' '308 return;309 }310 //解析文本节点 exp: a{{b}}c => 'a'+_s(a)+'b'311 let expression = TextParser(text, options.delimiters)312 if (expression) {313 currentParent.children.push({314 type: 2,315 expression,316 text317 })318 } else {319 currentParent && currentParent.children.push({320 type: 3,321 text322 })323 }324 }325 326 });327 328 //***关键代码***329 //将vnode转换为render函数,事实上可以直接传入这种render函数,便不会执行这块逻辑,编译时候会把这块工作做掉330 return codeGen(root);331 332 }333 334 335 //模板解析函数 end336 337 //因为我们后面采用setData的方式通知更新,不做响应式更新,这里也先不考虑update,不考虑监控,先关注首次渲染338 //要做到更新数据,DOM跟着更新,事实上就是所有的data数据被监控(劫持)起来了,一旦更新都会调用对应的回调,我们这里做到更新再说339 function initData(vm, data) {340 if (isFunction(data)) {341 data = data()342 }343 344 //这里将data上的数据移植到this上,后面要监控345 for(let key in data) {346 347 //这里有可能会把自身方法覆盖,所以自身的属性方法需要+$348 vm[key] = data[key];349 }350 351 vm.$data = data;352 }353 354 //全局数据保证每个MVVM实例拥有唯一id355 let uid = 0;356 357 export default class MVVM {358 constructor(options) {359 this.$options = options;360 361 //我们可以在传入参数的地方设置标签替换方式,比如可以设置为['<%=', '%>'],注意这里是数组362 this.$options.delimiters = this.$options.delimiters || ["{{", "}}"];363 364 //唯一标志365 this._uid = uid++;366 367 if(options.data) {368 //369 initData(this, options.data);370 }371 372 this.$mount(options.el);373 374 let _node = this._render().render();375 this.$el.appendChild( _node)376 377 }378 379 //解析模板compileToFunctions,将之形成一个函数380 //很多网上的解释是将实例挂载到dom上,这里有些没明白,我们后面点再看看381 $mount(el) {382 let options = this.$options;383 384 el = el && query(el);385 this.$el = el;386 387 //如果用户自定义了render函数则不需要解析template388 //这里所谓的用户自定义,应该是用户生成了框架生成那坨代码,事实上还是将template转换为vnode389 if(!options.render) {390 let template = options.template;391 if(template) {392 if(typeof template === 'string') {393 //获取script的template模板394 if (template[0] === '#') {395 template = idToTemplate(template)396 }397 } else if (template.nodeType) {398 //如果template是个dom结构,只能有一个根节点399 template = template.innerHTML;400 }401 }402 403 //上面的代码什么都没做,只是确保正确的拿到了template数据,考虑了各种情况404 //下面这段是关键,也是我们昨天干的事情405 if(template) {406 //***核心函数***/407 let render = compileToFunctions(template, this);408 options.render = render;409 }410 }411 412 return this;413 }414 415 _render() {416 let render = this.$options.render417 let vnode418 try {419 //自动解析的template不需要h,用户自定义的函数需要h420 vnode = render.call(this, this._h);421 } catch (e) {422 warn(`render Error : ${e}`)423 }424 return vnode425 }426 427 _h(tag, data, children) {428 return el(tag, data, children)429 }430 431 _s(val) {432 return val == null433 ? ''434 : typeof val === 'object'435 ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2)436 : String(val)437 }438 439 }
123 {{name}}4 {{age+1}}5 6 7
1 setElAttrs(el, delimiters) 2 //==> 3 function setElAttrs(el, delimiters) { 4 var s = delimiters[0], e = delimiters[1]; 5 var reg = new RegExp(`^${s}(\.+\)${e}$`); 6 var attrs = el.attrsMap; 7 for (let key in attrs) { 8 let value = attrs[key]; 9 var match = value.match(reg)10 if (match) {11 value = match[1];12 if (isAttr(key)) {13 el.props[key] = '_s('+value+')';14 } else {15 el.attrs[key] = value;16 }17 } else {18 if (isAttr(key)) {19 el.props[key] = "'" + value + "'";20 } else {21 el.attrs[key] = "'" + value + "'";22 }23 }24 25 }26 }
_h('div',{attrs:{"data-name":name,"data-flag":'start',"ontap":'clickHandler'},props:{"class":'c-row search-line'}}, [_h('div',{props:{"class":'c-span9 js-start search-line-txt'}}, ["\n "+_s(name)]),_h('span',{}, [_s(age+1)]),_h('input',{props:{"type":'text',"value":_s(age)}}),_h('br',{})])
12394 叶小钗5 316 7 8
123 叶小钗4 315 6 7
① 这段代码仅仅就是为了运行,或者说帮助我们理解
② libs/index.js代码已经超过了500行,维护起来有点困难了,连我自己都有时候找不到东西,所以我们该分拆文件了
1 ./libs 2 ..../codegen.js 代码生成器,传入一个ast(js树对象),转换为render函数 3 ..../helps.js 处理vnode的相关工具函数,比如处理属性节点,里面的生成函数感觉该放到utils中 4 ..../html-parser.js 第三方库,HTML解析神器,帮助生成js dom树对象 5 ..../instance.js 初始化mvvm实例工具类 6 ..../mvvm.js 入口函数 7 ..../parser.js 模板解析生成render函数,核心 8 ..../text-parser.js 工具类,将{{}}做替换生成字符串 9 ..../utils.js 工具库10 ..../vnode.js 虚拟树库,暂时自己写的,后续要换成snabbdom11 ./index.html 入口文件